Since we’ve been doing this a few months now, I thought I’d crunch some numbers and give you an update on the figures and see if you agree. Here’s the rankings so far, click on the names for more info
Best Guitarists Update – 1 Nov 2024

Since we’ve been doing this a few months now, I thought I’d crunch some numbers and give you an update on the figures and see if you agree. Here’s the rankings so far, click on the names for more info
This week we shared some of our favourite second-best Rolling Stones songs to see which ones are the most popular and make the Top Ten. The voting is closed now, thanks for taking part. The results are below. If they’re
The voting is closed now, thanks for taking part. The results are below. These are the songs that were banned because they are the classics and that would be too easy. The Spirit of Radio Working Man Tom Sawyer YYZ
Since I’ve been having a Queen week, and listening to Queen songs while sketching, I thought we could rate some of your favourite second-best Queen songs. If they’re in the list below they’re banned because they are the classics and
Since we’ve done ten guitarists, I thought I’d crunch some numbers and give you an update on the figures and see if you agree. Here’s the rankings so far, click on the names for more info or if you want
s you may already know, I went to the Kiss – End of the Road tour last Saturday. Here’s me and Pete cuddling (we’d had a few drinks). As you can see we’re old now, so we didn’t go down
I’m on the train right now, on my way to see Bruce Springsteen at Villa Park in Birmingham, so I’m very excited. At least I hope I’m on the train. I wrote this yesterday and the trains were still running
28 Jan 22 – Concerts Hi Everyone, Please look away if you don’t like to see middle-aged (some would say old) people enjoying themselves. That’s Pete and Kev at the Michael Schenker concert last year. The reason they look like criminals is