The voting is closed now, thanks for taking part. The results are below.
These are the songs that were banned because they are the classics and that would be too easy.
The Spirit of Radio | Working Man |
Tom Sawyer | YYZ |
Red Barchetta | 2112 Overture |
Limelight | 2112 Temple of Syrinx |
Subdivisions | The Trees |
Time Stand Still | Bastille Day |
Freewill | Closer to the heart |
La Villa Strangiato | The Pass |
Xanadu | Distant Early Warning |
Fly by Night | Lakeside Park |
And these are Second Best Rush Songs, and a lot of them could be on the classics list.
I’ve created a Spotify Playlist of all these songs, which I thought I’d share here:
Second Best Rush Songs – Spotify
The Top Ten Second Best Rush Songs
Songs | Votes |
1. Circumstances | 11 |
2. The Camera Eye | 10 |
3. Natural Science | 9 |
4. Something for Nothing | 8 |
4. The Garden | 8 |
6. A Farewell to Kings | 7 |
7. Cinderella Man | 6 |
7. Jacob’s Ladder | 6 |
7. Marathon | 6 |
7. Manhattan Project | 6 |
Other Songs Voted for:
Song | Vote |
New World Man | 5 |
Red Sector A | 5 |
Earthshine | 5 |
The Big Money | 5 |
A Passage to Bangkok | 4 |
By-Tor and the Snow Dog | 3 |
Cygnus X-1 Book II | 3 |
Far Cry | 3 |
Making Memories | 2 |
Rivendell | 2 |
The Body Electric | 2 |
The Weapon | 2 |
Vital Signs | 2 |
Witch Hunt | 2 |
The Enemy Within | 2 |
The Analog Kid | 2 |
Afterimage | 1 |
Anthem | 1 |
Clockwork Angels | 1 |
Countdown | 1 |
Cygnus-X1 – Book I | 1 |
Digital Man | 1 |
2112: Discovery | 1 |
Dreamline | 1 |
Driven | 1 |
Finding my Way | 1 |
Grand Designs | 1 |
Halo Effect | 1 |
Headlong Flight | 1 |
In the End | 1 |
Losing It | 1 |
Madrigal | 1 |
Malignant Narcissism | 1 |
Middletown Dreams | 1 |
Nobody’s Hero | 1 |
One Little Victory | 1 |
Resist | 1 |
Roll the Bones | 1 |
Scars | 1 |
Stick it out | 1 |
The Anarchist | 1 |
I Think I’m Going Bald | 1 |
Where’s My Thing? | 1 |
Workin’ Them Angels | 1 |
If you want to leave a comment below about the list, or any Rush song, or any you think should’ve made the list, then please do.
Thank you for taking part in the survey.
Take care and all the best,
Top Ten Second Best Rush Songs
A fabulous band, I was privileged to see them twice and also see Geddy on his book tour.
Defintiely fabulous, I’ve seen them a few times myself, always brilliant. I’ve read the book but didn’t see Geddy on the tour, should’ve gone.
R.I.P Neil
All Hail Geddy Lee the Many Fingered God of Bass
Alex is quite good too.
I agree with all of that Adi 🙂
Great band with amazing lyrics and musicianship great to see live.
How much fun would it be to go for a pint with Alex & Geddy?
Yes, I agree, drinking Rush beer 🙂
First saw Rush at Deeside leisure centre 1979, Permanent Waves tour, saw them every time they came to the UK after that. They were definitely my favourite band.
I saw them first during Moving Pictures tour and then, like you, saw them every time they came after that. Always brilliant.
Remember when Deeside burnt down on the Signals tour and they put us all on the coach to the NEC?
Yes I went to that one aswell
That was the Hemispheres tour in 79, I saw them at Manchester Apollo
As you can probably tell from my list I’m a bit of fan. Saw them live four times. I’ve already bought a few of your Rush tee shirts and my wife has told me to “stop buying tee shirts with those old men on them!” but I now NEED the one at the top of your mailshot email for the meek shall inherit the tee shirt.
First saw Rush on the farewell to kings your 12 Feb 1978 at the Birmingham odeon. Saw them on most tours of the UK since. Just an excellent 3 piece band with exceptional musicians. RIP Neil Peart – Best drummer I ever saw.
I agree, for only 3 people they make the sound of 6. RIP Neil.
Haha, thanks for buying the tee shirts from us, Sean, appreciate that. And thanks for the list.
Some of the most incredible lyrics written and performed. They resonate through you.
You’re right, Julie, Neil’s lyrics were amazing.
Great comments.
An amazing band.
Saw the last three UK tours.
Great musicianship, comedy their shows had it all.
Their catalogue is amazing.
Just do the three or four classic albums in a row game
Not a problem here 2112, Fairwell to King’s, Hemsphires, Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures, Signals ……. The last album was a classic. Never forget when I found them as a kid
You’ve picked the good ones there Robert, great albums. They hit their stride during that period.
I responded with’The Pass’ and that Geddy said was their favourite. It didn’t even get mentioned in the secondary list of those with one mention. Bizarre!
Yes, The Pass is one of my favourites, but it’s on the banned list at the top. I sneaked it in on the bottom right.
I never partook as I couldn’t think of a song off the top of my head. And felt that if I checked all my albums for inspiration, it would be an admission of defeat and also cheating. Also, you might have to think about designing a few other, more straightforward designs, I bought a Temples of Syrinx T Shirt a few years ago, I’ve since worn it many times, but no ba57ard has ever complimented me on it or even enquired after it! WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOU PEOPLE?!!
Finally, if you want a good night out with decent ale AND Rush, then get yourselves down to The Swinging Arm Pub in Birkenhead on the Wirral for Saturday 24th August where the top tribute band RUSHD will be appearing. And PLEASE, if you do go, & you see me in the Temples T shirt say hiya, or I’ll sulk. Ian, perhaps you’ll risk the trip South
*disclaimer: I am not connected to the band or the pub
Sad that no one’s complimented you looking so great in your Temple of Syrinx shirt, how could they? I’m going to see Moving Pictures at the Brickyard in Carlisle in August, so might not be able to make The Swinging Arm Pub. Have a good night Barry, and hope someone notices your shirt.
The Garden. Nuff said.
It’s a good one
Beneath, Between, Behind – should very much be on the list! Never saw it live but have since seen a couple of tribute bands play it