Membership Page – Sign up and Password

We have a members-only page on the website. To login for the first time we send you two emails:

  • First email: Welcome to Skwiggles
  • Second: Login Details

Ignore the Welcome to Skwiggles one and open the Login Details email.

Your username is at the top.

Select the webpage address here:

Open this page in your web browser and it will show a box with New Password.

Unless you’re a polymath, delete whatever is in there, and type in a new password of your choice, the more secure the better.

Save Password

On the next screen, ignore the login at the top and click Go to Skwiggles

On the Skwiggles website, select Login as shown below:

Type your Username and password in and you’ll be taken to the membership page

After that, to access the membership page you only need to go to the login page and remember your username and password.

If you’re having any problems let us know and we can set your password for you.

Sorry this has been tedious but hopefully it will be worth it.



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