24 Dec 21 – Merry Christmas
Hi Everyone,
This is just a quick message to say:

That’s us, the Skwiggles family, and if you don’t want to know what we really look like (recommended), look away now:
So that’s Diane, Lizzi, Jenna, Me, Norman (to avoid confusion, I’m the one above in the silly hat and not the dog) and Hannah.
As you can see, I put a lot of work in with the Santa-down-the-chimney hat. Whereas the others, when I said this was going in the newsletter, decided to do things with their hair in the mirror that makes them look exactly the same as before, especially Norman.
You’ll be glad to know I’m not trying to sell you t-shirts today. This is just to say thank you for buying from us this year, for reading the newsletter, for sending us messages and photos and liking our posts – and for just being dead good.
Please print this out and wear it always.
You’ve made it a great year for us and we really appreciate it. I don’t want to make you big-headed, so I’ll stop now.
Have a great Christmas and New Year and please stay away from nasty viruses.
Take care and all the best,
Ian and Diane