Being a long-time Doctor Who fan, this is going to hurt me, but what the ‘eck has happened to it?

I’ve watched two episodes of the new series and I’m confused. Ncuti seems good, but he’s now a tough in cheek character and not the wise eccentric lord of time we know and love.

Spolier Alert: I’m about to give a brief description of the first two episodes, but don’t worry it will hardly give you a clue about what’s going on, because I’m still trying to work it out, so get ready

Episode 1: Space Babies

In the future, The Doctor and Ruby discover talking babies in a space station and a Bogeyman downstairs. The babies had their noses blown and nappies changed by the orbiting space station, then the space station created a monster out of snot, hence Bogeyman get it, and at the end the babies fart their way to another planet using the leftover pumpiness from the nappies.

Episode 2: Devil’s Chord

The only way I can convey its bonkersness is to get this out in one stream-of-consciousness sentence, so get ready.

A god called Maestro steals the music from the earth and the Beatles are rubbish and then we all start to kill ourselves because without music we hate each other and there’s a nuclear war and only a certain combination of notes will banish Maestro, so the Doctor uses John Lennon’s guitar and his sonic to find them, then Ruby is lifted into the air and starts singing while the Doctor then uses Mrs Mill’s famous piano to have a music battle with Maesto but plays a bum note and ends up stuck in a cello while Lennon and McCartney appear and play the notes that banish Maetro and finally to celebrate The Doctor and Ruby start singing a song called There’s Always a Twist (At the End) and a massive dance number ensues.


Doctor Who is quirky, I get that, I’ve been watching it for 57 blinking years, look, I started drawing them all but only got as far as Tom Baker.

But there’s a fine line between quirky and unbelievably implausible barminess. And I’m a big fan of unbelievably implausible barminess. But not this time.

This forced me to go on a soul-searching Whovian journey to find out my place in the Whoniverse. Well, I had a little think and googled a couple of things. And I’ve concluded that I only like the scary ones.

I’ve made a list of some of my favourite episodes, only the ones my feeble memory can remember and they’re all tense or scary. Look:

  • Blink – with scariest creatures in the universe, the Weeping Angels.
  • The Waters of Mars –  a liquid alien race that can possess its hosts and make their faces go like mine when I don’t moisturize.
  • The Empty Child – terrifying child in a gas mask, no need to say more.
  • The Sea Devils coming out of the sea, might be rubbish now, but not back then.
  • The Seeds of Doom – massive spidery flesh-eating plants and Tom Baker turning into a Rambo-like figure
  • Heaven Sent – best episode ever. The Doctor in a creepy castle chased by a shrouded figure. I’ll say no more because it’s too good to spoil.
  • Those giant maggots.

There’s loads of good one’s but they’re all scary and there’s no dancing.

I feel a bit of a traitor…

….but I’ve said it now, so that’s that.

Breaking News: Just read a review that a new episode, out on the 25 May, called ’73 Yards’ is going to be one of the scariest ever. I will be moving my sofa away from the wall again.

Have a great weekend, and don’t worry that Daleks can go upstairs now

Take care and all the best,


(If you want to leave a comment below, that would be great)

I’m not too sure about Doctor Who…

36 thoughts on “I’m not too sure about Doctor Who…

  • May 24, 2024 at 9:49 am

    We watched the first 2 and sat there thinking 🤔 what the !!! Is going on we are still going to watch got to give the new Doctor a go he is very good just different I just wonder what Russell T Davies was eating drinking when he wrote it lol 😂

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 11:40 am

      I think Russell has had too many trips in the Tardis and his human mind can’t take it anymore 🙂

  • May 24, 2024 at 9:55 am

    Dr. Who is shite now. That is all.

    • May 25, 2024 at 12:18 pm

      Thank goodness – thought it was just me. When Dr Who was crying I thought “ well that’s the universe buggered cos if he doesn’t know what’s going on 🤷‍♀️. Absolutely no point asking me.

      • Ian Young
        May 25, 2024 at 5:28 pm

        If The Doctor can’t save us, then you’re going to have go in your shed and build your own Tardis, we’re relying on you Karen

        • May 25, 2024 at 9:25 pm

          😂😂😂 Now I know we’re buggered!

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:05 am

    Same. I turned off episode 2 before the end as I thought it had run into Eurovision! I didn’t bother this week – sadly didn’t even notice that I’d forgotten.

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:14 am

    Doctor who has been well and truely ‘ disney-ed’ .
    Disappointed. Liked number 3 though. Back to what doctor who does best.
    Hoping no more musical numbers!

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 11:42 am

      I thought I was watching High School Musical last week!

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:17 am

    100% agree, there’s weird and there’s weird and so far it’s WEIRD. I’m waiting for the big overall storyline but no sign so far.

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 11:43 am

      Tomorrow’s is going to be good, Colin, we have to keep the faith

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:18 am

    The new Doctor appears to be permanently on a sugar rush, with poor storylines that don’t help. And why didn’t he use his sonic on the landmine???
    I want to like it, I gave Jodie a chance, but so far it’s like watching a CBBC program, and the singing episode? Really??? It’s like some other program has been made using the character names from Doctor Who. Oh Matt Smith, how I miss your storylines….

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 11:56 am

      He’s got energy that’s for sure and likes to run around a lot, wish I was a Time Lord

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:18 am

    100% agree, there’s weird and there’s weird and so far it’s WEIRD. I’m waiting for the big overall storyline but no sign so far.

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 11:57 am

      Weird is the correct word, in fact, as you say, WEIRD

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:19 am

    So far I’ve like them all, just not the end of the lost chord!
    Number 3 was good, looking forward to the 4th episode.

    Just cut out the singing and dancing, and reduce the number of cross references to past Doctors, there for the Disney + audience I think, and we’ll get along fine. New Doctors always take a while to settle in and I’ve been watching since the first episode !

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 11:59 am

      Phew Carole, glad someone’s liked it so far. Ncuti’s going to be good, I’m sure of it, but I need a scary one and fast, fingers crossed for tomorrow

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:28 am

    Massive Who fan but can’t be bothered to watch after the 3 set up episodes.
    I don’t care about aliens pronouns Russell or the Dr’s sexuality, it is after all still a kids programme. Stop ticking boxes and give us back Dr Who

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 12:01 pm

      Tomorrow night’s is going to be good, Stephen, hopefully. No dancing or singing or baby’s farting, that’s what I hope.

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:39 am

    Same here, been watching since episode 1 with William Hartnell… What the heck has happened?! going from a semi serious science fiction series to a rediculous parody of a musical stageshow… Or Eurovision as you say! Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear. (although the new Episode 3 showed some promise!) The same seems to be happening to other decent, gripping, exciting science fiction series i.e. The Marvel Universe – Started pretty good, got really good with Iron Man etc…. Disney took it over and… crash! I almost only watch the films now out of respect for Stan Lee.

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 12:03 pm

      This definitely isn’t the same programme as the William Hartnell ones. Imagine William Hartnell singing and dancing, I’d probably like to see that 🙂

  • May 24, 2024 at 10:41 am

    Totally agree stopped watching it a while ago.
    Bring back John Pertwee, by far the best doc and had the best villains

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 12:06 pm

      Jon and Tom will always be the best for me, although like I said the Peter Capaldi one Heaven Sent is my favourite episode. Watch tomorrow’s it’s supposed to be a good scary one

  • May 24, 2024 at 4:39 pm

    I too am confused. Not what I was expecting from the David Tennant handover. I get the split personality so maybe that’s where the tongue in cheek side comes from. Having to watch each episode twice to make sure I really get it but space babies really did my head in so am now an episode behind. Ohwell al-on-zee!!

    • Ian Young
      May 24, 2024 at 6:13 pm

      Not sure what David Tennant is doing sitting in a garden with Catherine Tate, but he deserves a rest so we’ll see 🙂

  • May 25, 2024 at 11:20 am

    Been watching DrWho for some 60 years, it varies each time there is a new Dr, but thus version is so different.
    It seems to have turned into a young childrens programme rather than a late teen/ adult… the story lines seem to be a good idea, but afraid to say it become right and breezy, which seems to have distroyed the unknown charm and my
    Quirkiness than the Dr is famous for, as for the electronic screwdriver!!!!, will keep watching though, as a whovian I don’t want a gap on the years, but I must say, it doesn’t have a lo g lasting effect or give me the eagerness of wanting to watch to remember or enjoy…… roll on the bect Dr and writer….

    • Ian Young
      May 25, 2024 at 5:34 pm

      Singing and dancing and farting, is how I woud summarize the first couple of episodes. Tonight’s is going to be a good one, hopefully, to get the sofa pushed out from the wall 🙂

  • May 25, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    I kinda agree, tho I wish I didn’t, I’m determined to like Ncuti
    I also definitely agree that Blink is the best episode ever

    • Ian Young
      May 25, 2024 at 5:25 pm

      I wish I didn’t either, Sarah. It’s going to get better though, I’ve travelled forward in time to find out, so don’t worry

  • May 28, 2024 at 10:04 am

    I do like a good old-fashioned musical episode….Buffy did it, and Strange New Worlds was sublime (I even got the album)….however, they are normally a few seasons in before they go and risk it…… The second episode of a new Doctor seems a little….premature……however, not seen yet so I will refrain from any other comments.

    “I just want to sing”……..Monty Python and the Holy Grail (I can’t add the link….hilarious)

    • Ian Young
      May 28, 2024 at 1:40 pm

      Yes, you’re right maybe just a little too soon for singing 🙂

  • May 30, 2024 at 9:26 am

    Tom Baker was my Doctor Who as a child. Started watching again with my son with David and Matt as the Doctor.
    Totally agree that the new series is like a wierd Disney show. Shame.

    • Ian Young
      May 31, 2024 at 11:23 am

      I agree Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker are still the best, but I’m still hopeful for this series, once the singing and dancing stop


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