24 Sept 21 – The Psychic Hi Everyone, Once upon a time I worked at the local factory, and I had the pleasure of working with Bezel, a genuine psychic. That’s Bezel standing in front of a strange straggly looking
24 Sept 21 – The Psychic

24 Sept 21 – The Psychic Hi Everyone, Once upon a time I worked at the local factory, and I had the pleasure of working with Bezel, a genuine psychic. That’s Bezel standing in front of a strange straggly looking
The Waterpark In the days when people wore speedos proudly and my gut didn’t do this when I sat down Something bad happened. By the way, I don’t normally sit with my arms like that, because that would be strange.
10 Sept 21 – The Beard Hi Everyone, In lockdown, I decided to do what every other man decided to do and see what type of beard I could actually grow. Diane isn’t a big fan, but this is what
Chased by Hounds A while ago I was out on my bike enjoying the lovely Cumbrian countryside, here I am: No, sorry, wrong sketch I’d just safely negotiated a Strava section called ‘Chased by hounds’ which was very well named