Posts per Month:
26 April 24
I got Prince done from the priority to-do list this week.

Thank you to Richard in Edinburgh for looking happy in his AC/DC T-Shirt. Thanks for the great photo, and for buying from us

And thanks also to another Richard, Richard II shall we say, who’s at the Pygmy Twylyte gig in his Frank Zappa T-Shirt. He said it was an amazing night. Thanks for the great photo and for buying the T-shirt.

See more lovely faces in Skwiggles T-Shirts right here
If you’ve been to a concert, or just have a good photo of you in your Skwiggles T-Shirt, let me know and I’ll put your lovely face above.
Our Diary
Here’s the key points from this week.
I was watching a couple of Christopher Eccleston Dr Who’s and came across one of my favourite Dr Who lines
Rose: If you’re an alien, how come you sound like you’re from the north?
Doctor: Lots of planets have a north.

Let’s finish this, Norman

Peter Jackson would be proud of the effort I’ve made here. Norman’s look suitably scared, great acting there Norm. I used a real-life prop (wedding ring) and Barad-dur and Mount Doom… well they’re real.
Me mam’s always complaining about Facebook but she’s always on it.
Today she said ‘All these stupid videos keep popping up, get rid of them immediately.’
Because I have a direct line to Zuckerburg and it’s all my fault, I took a look at her feed. The one thing I did discover is that it’s full of Catholic priests discussing the Gospels. Another thing I discovered was every one of the priest was about 30 years old and, in my heterosexual opinion, quite good-looking.

This is why her faith is still strong.
Norman made a friend in the park. The red arrow is Norman.

The friend was an Olympian-level swimmer, and Norman who thinks he’s great at everything didn’t want to be friends with him after realising that.

That’s our holidays book this year

A while ago, I started sketching all the Dr Whos but only got as far as Tom


Okay, it wasn’t Doc Ock, I found a bit of tubing lying around on the floor and shoved it into a tree and Norman thinks I’ve gone mad again.
Norman thinks if he stares at the ice cream shop he’ll get one.

He also does this with butchers, cake shops and the house where Mable, his girlfriend, lives.
I only do it with pubs.
That’s it for now, have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane
19 April 24
I didn’t get anything done from the priority to-do list this week, sorry. But I just know you’ll love Chitty. ‘Our Fine Four fendered friend’ is maybe my favourite lyric of all time, it just makes me smile.

Thank you to Karen who is absolutely loving the Happy Monday’s gig in her Bez T-shirt. Thanks for the great photo, and glad you had a great night.

And thanks to Michelle who’s on holiday in her Bob Marley T-shirt drinking what looks like a very large gin. I won’t say hope you had a great time, because you clearly are. Thanks for the great photo and for buying the T-shirt.

See more lovely faces in Skwiggles T-Shirts right here
If you’ve been to a concert, or just have a good photo of you in your Skwiggles T-Shirt, let me know and I’ll put your lovely face above.
Our Diary
Here’s the key points from this week.
It’s tense out there at the moment. The world is holding its breath and wondering what will happen next.

But I’m glad to say, he made it to the top.
I was walking down a path in the middle of nowhere, not expecting to see any sign of life and then this appeared.

The photo doesn’t do it justice, but it’s an amazing mansion, I’m telling you about this because I’ve started a crowdfunding page to raise the £10 million required, so I can move in soon, please give generously.
I arrived at me mam’s house as usual on Sunday morning for a coffee, and instead of drinking coffee and eating cake I was sent on a quest around the town. Me mam’s friend Shiela lost her key. I asked her if she had a spare with neighbours, but she didn’t. So I set off, Shiela’s only hope of getting back into her house.
She’d been to the supermarket, the newsagent and then to church, which was amazing since she was nearly 90 and walked with a stick, and it was a reasonable walk. Me and Norman searched the route for the key, and checked in all the places she’d been too.
We failed.
No one had seen it and it wasn’t lying conveniently on the various pavements.
I got back to where she was waiting outside her house, and broke the bad news.
Before flinging myself repeatedly into the front door, Shiela said: ‘Don’t worry my son lives with me, he’ll be back soon.’
Thanks Shiela.
My daughter (on the left) sent me this Snapchat from Dublin on Monday afternoon.

I was really jealous of her drinking on a Monday afternoon, does this mean I have a drink problem?
Saw this product in Tescos

Phew, I’m so glad, I’ve got loads of terrible clogs in the back of the wardrobe.
Here’s a painting of the BFG I did for a friend years ago.

Remember I saw a beach elf the other week, well that one may not have been totally real, but this one is

This sign is the most niche sign I’ve ever seen, only informative to Robert Wadlow and a few of his mates.

I’m 6’2″ and when I reached up I still couldn’t touch the bridge, so it must’ve been 8 feet high. Less than 20 people in the world are over 8 feet, but, you’re right, we have to cater for everyone. Robert duck.
That’s it for now, have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane
12 April 24
I got Wilko Johnson done from the priority to-do list this week.

Thank you to Corky from the Irish band The Button Pushers. They do some Pogues covers and he’s wearing his Shane MacGowan Skwiggles T-Shirt, I haven’t seen them but I bet they’re amazing, here’s their Facebook page for you to Like – The Button Pushers
Thanks Corky for buying the t-shirt and wearing it at your gigs.

And thanks Wendy. Wendy is going through her yearly Peter Gabriel phase and was compelled to buy one of our T-Shirts to wear while continually listening to early Genesis. Thanks for doing that Wendy and thanks for looking so happy wearing it.

See more lovely faces in Skwiggles T-Shirts right here
If you’ve been to a concert, or just have a good photo of you in your Skwiggles T-Shirt, let me know and I’ll put your lovely face above.
Our Diary
Here’s the key points from this week.
Dog walkers are the new first responders in society. We are up early and find dead bodies, babies abandoned at bus stops, poaching (mostly eggs) and teenage Banksys drawing willies on walls. We discover more crimes than the Police and we should be paid for this service.
Full disclosure – me and Norman haven’t done any of these great public services, but we still want paid.
One of those new flying ASDA stores just landed near us

Shamefully, we found a packet of crisps in the back of our cupboard, and they were out of date. So what? I hear you say. But look:

They were from 2009 and we’ve moved house twice since then.
Okay, Everton have been docked another 2 points, but does this poor woman need to be outside the gates in the pouring rain to tell us this news.

I know ‘nothing but the best is good enough’ but I would’ve believed her if she was at home with a horlicks on her sofa.
Here’s a painting of Iron Man I did centuries ago.

Either Norman really loves his Grandma, and loves to sit and stare at her adoringly for hours.

Or she has a Wagtastic Chewy Chicken Stick and as soon as he gets it she means nothing to him.
We’ll go with the first one.
There are rubbish toilets in Edinburgh

Norman was so chuffed with this one that he insisted I end with it this week.

That’s it for now, have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane
5 April 24
I got another Wacky Races done from the priority to-do list this week.

Thank you to Sheana and Andy who have been hiking in Madeira with their Roobarb and Custard and Dr Who T-shirts on. Looking out of the window into the Cumbrian rain, I wish I’d bought that Quantum Instantaneous Personal Teleportation Device on eBay yesterday. Thanks Sheana and Andy for the photo, and hope you had a great time.

Also, thank you to Lindsay at the Coldplay gig in Thailand. I wish I was as well travelled as the Skwiggles T-shirts this week. Thanks Lindsay for the great photo and looks like you had a great night.

See more lovely faces in Skwiggles T-Shirts right here
If you’ve been to a concert, or just have a good photo of you in your Skwiggles T-Shirt, let me know and I’ll put your lovely face above.
Our Diary
Here’s the key points from this week.
I saw this on the window of an Edinburgh pub and liked their marketing tragedy.

Our T-shirts probably make you look 10 years younger and definitely sort-of give you superpowers.
A rare sighting of a push-me-pull-lamb, didn’t see its mother, the push-me-pull-ewe.

I thought the Push-me-pull-ewe bit of this was hilarious, tested it out on Diane and Jen – nothing.
We had a family get-together for Easter

Me, Jenna, Gran, Diane, Grandma (me mam) and Hannah
And as is tradition we had a dump, with eggs, before you think that’s a bit of unnecessary detail.
I won for the first time ever, I think, which is why I mentioned it here.
I couldn’t be bothered taking Norman out today, so I got the DogDrone out of the garage. I should use this more often. Just turn it on, program in the route using the app, which is linked to Google maps. Attach it to Norman’s lead, make sure it’s flying okay and then boot him out the front door, simple. It flies with him, there’s a grabber attachment to pick up the poo and I’ve programmed my voice to say ‘Stop it’ every three minutes throughout the walk.
An hour later, he’s had a good walk and I’ve had a couple of cups of coffee and put plenty of plastic spiders in the cupboards. What better way to start April Fool’s Day.
I took a few photos while sketching Bruce to show you how it’s a continuous process of mistakes.

I did this painting of BB-8 a long time ago in a galaxy far. far away.

I saw this sign that was specifically designed for time-travellers

Always end the week with a picture of a giant cloud dog over a lake, that’s what Norman says.

That’s it for now, have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane