Posts per Month:
28 June 24
Got Highlander done from the priority to-do list this week.

We got some Foo Fighter photos this week, here’s a few. Thank you to Carol, Jo and Paul, Adrian and Shaun for these great photos, and thanks for buying from us.

See more lovely faces in Skwiggles T-Shirts right here
If you’ve been to a concert, or just have a good photo of you in your Skwiggles T-Shirt, let me know and I’ll put your lovely face above.
Our Diary
Here’s the key points from this week.
Last week, we went to Northumberland and saw a load of castles.

Including a rare sighting of a wild cannon with its baby, incredible.

And then we saw a load of beaches

Norman is a bit of a worrier, and I’ve told Norman to face up to his problems but…

And because we were on holiday, we thought we’d treat Norman to an expensive swimming with dolphins experience

And then Norman learned about his ancestors.

By the end of it, he was barely standing.

That was a summary of the holiday.
When we got back, I thought, you know what, I’m really going to treat myself now, so I went here.

I diffused some of my molecules through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, and I felt great after that.
Here’s a couple of commissions I’ve done recently.

Notice how I haven’t mentioned the England Football Team. I want to, but I’m not. Even after I wrote Gareth a team talk so he could inspire the team this week.

But he wrote back and said ‘No Ian, we’re going for the middle of the field passing game until the other team dies of boredom.’
So, on a positive, they did that really well.
Amazing discovery, ancient cave painting unearthed around the corner from us.

That’s it for now, have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane
21 June 24
On Holiday
14 June 24
Got Biff Byford done from the priority to-do list this week.

Thank you to Mandy, who sent this photo in from Las Vegas as she was about to go into the Rolling Stones gig. Thanks for buying from us Mandy, and she said the gig was as expected – amazing.

And thank you to Phil in Italy at the AC/DC concert. Also looks brilliant, and they’ve got the golden hour lighting perfect. Thank you for buying from us. Another great gig.

See more lovely faces in Skwiggles T-Shirts right here
If you’ve been to a concert, or just have a good photo of you in your Skwiggles T-Shirt, let me know and I’ll put your lovely face above.
Our Diary
Here’s the key points from this week.
I have to admit to a serious addiction.

I know I like a few beers at the weekend, but this one is out of control. I’m on a two-a-day habit, and could easily step it up. It’s the combination of unnaturally white yogurt with the totally artificial lemon compote that does it.
Here’s how to get the best hit. Spoon the lemon into the yogurt but don’t mix it, let it rest on top, you need to allow the separate flavours to mix delightfully only in your mouth. That is when your taste buds scream and the emulsifiers and stabilisers bring on the hallucination of bliss.
My daughter went to see Taylor Swift in Edinburgh, she needn’t have bothered. I think Taylor’s building a new stadium in our town, look:

Finally got me mam fully trained on Sunday mornings. I used to go round and she rummaged about in the back of the cupboard for a couple of old mouldy biscuits to have with my cuppa.

‘Doesn’t matter about the sell-by date, just eat it’
Now, after years of relentless complaining, I got this.

Complaining works, but you have to keep at it.
Maureen, a Skwiggles customer and member sent me a copy of her book. It’s brilliant.

It describes a couple of years of Maureen’s life going to Bastille and meeting Dan Smith lots of times, Her enjoyment of it all comes across brilliantly and the photos are amazing. All proceeds got to the Choose Love charity. You can get one on Amazon here
Norman thinks he’s Kate Winslet

He made me play the Titanic music while posing for the photo.
Here’s a couple of commissions I’ve done recently.

Like the males in all species, Norman does understand the iron and is quite scared of it.

After years of study, I think clouds dream of being elephants

That’s it for now, have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane
7 June 24
Got Air done from the priority to-do list this week.

Thank you to Islwyn who sent this brill photo at the Springsteen gig in Kilkenny. Here’s what Islwyn wrote to me:
‘We drew some attention, in Kilkenny we got snapped by the media who published the photo below the next day, and in Cork on the Thursday we had people coming over and asking “are you the guys who were in Hotpress on Monday?”
Brilliant, should have given you some leaflets to hand out Islwyn. Thanks again for the great photo and for buying the tees.

And thank you to Ruth and her friend at Rock the Mote in Maidstone last week. Another fantastic photo, I hope ‘Let there be DC’ were good and you had a great weekend. Thanks for buying the tees.

See more lovely faces in Skwiggles T-Shirts right here
If you’ve been to a concert, or just have a good photo of you in your Skwiggles T-Shirt, let me know and I’ll put your lovely face above.
Our Diary
Here’s the key points from this week.
We went out for a meal at a Japanese restaurant, I know fancy, eh. I’d drank a few Sakis (beer) and on my way to the toilet, the waiter said ‘It’s red for open and green for closed.’
‘That’s interesting’, I said. ‘It’s amazing the cultural differences that you don’t realise, even in simple everyday things, I find that absolutely fascinating.’
‘No mate, the toilet door’s knackered.’
We went camping at Bowscale Tarn.

That big arrow was annoying, but coincidently points to the exact location we camped.

So glad BGT is finished, but the bag skipping should’ve won.

Not only am I a Japanese restaurant-goer, I must be a big fan of Japanese comedy, remember this guy from last year.

But, don’t worry…

….he’s wearing
He didn’t win either – fix.
Norman was raging about his rights being restricted, disgraceful

Here’s a sketch I did of Yoda on my phone

It’s not Yoda on my phone, it’s just Yoda…. anyway, I have a Samsung Note, the one with a pen, and I was bored waiting with me mam at the doctor’s.
I was walking with Norman in the middle of nowhere as usual, then a man came up to me from another path.
‘You’ve dropped your glasses.’
‘No, I don’t wear…
‘Just on the path, lucky I was here,’ holding out the glasses
‘I haven’t’…’
‘I’m glad I found them for you,’
‘I only wear glasses for reading, so…’
‘You must’ve been reading over there and they fell out of your pocket.’
‘No, I wasn’t and they’re not…’.
‘Goodbye, enjoying reading,’
He left and I looked down and I was holding a knackered pair of glasses with a crack in one lens.
Two seconds later I saw a man walking up to me.
‘Have you dropped your glasses?’ I said to him
‘No, I don’t wear…’
‘Just on the path, lucky I was here,’ holding out the glasses.
‘I haven’t’…’
‘I’m glad I found them for you,’
‘I only wear…’
In truth, I didn’t meet anyone else and I took the glasses home and threw them in the bin. But if I had seen anyone I may have tried it.
Saw a Fresh Water Basking Smilosaurus this morning, amazing

Incredible sighting of a Cloud Phoenix over the Solway

That’s it for now, have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane