Running Away from Home Thought I’d tell you about the time I ran away from home to live in a graveyard. I was about 6 and, yes, it took me a long time to grow into that head. I ran
Running Away from Home

Running Away from Home Thought I’d tell you about the time I ran away from home to live in a graveyard. I was about 6 and, yes, it took me a long time to grow into that head. I ran
11 Nov 22- Dog Walking Friends I thought I’d give you an update on all the friends I’ve made during my last year of dog walking. When I say friends I really mean people I bump into and occasionally try
Norman’s Walk – Oct 2022 It’s been another busy month walking with Norman. I’ve learnt a lot. For starters, I didn’t realise that one of our neighbours works at Jurassic Park. And when I saw this in the local woods