27 Jan 23 – Pregnant in the US Okay, anyone who’s ever been pregnant can virtually punch me in the face right now. You see, when Diane was pregnant (way back in 1999) I had a brilliant idea. I said
27 Jan 23 – Pregnant in the US

27 Jan 23 – Pregnant in the US Okay, anyone who’s ever been pregnant can virtually punch me in the face right now. You see, when Diane was pregnant (way back in 1999) I had a brilliant idea. I said
20 Jan 23 – Camping I’ve camped a lot over the years but there’s only one time I thought I was really going to die. I wasn’t caught in an ice storm in the Himalayas or bitten by a Jararaca
13 Jan 23 – Prince Harry Inspired by Prince Harry, I have decided to slag my family off in public for money. Look, he’s got a book to sell and 15 million pounds to make, I have T-shirts to sell
Norman’s Walk – Dec 2022 Happy New Year to everyone. I had a word with Martin Lewis for you, and look Phew. While walking with Norman in December, I discovered that global warming has finally come to Cumbria. Look what