29 July 22 – Mumbling Americans I watched The Batman the other day. Firstly I would like to give the Caped Crusader some crime-fighting advice. I had to shine a torch at the telly to see what was going on.
29 July 22 – Mumbling Americans

29 July 22 – Mumbling Americans I watched The Batman the other day. Firstly I would like to give the Caped Crusader some crime-fighting advice. I had to shine a torch at the telly to see what was going on.
22 July 22 – The Kennels This week we put Norman in the kennels for the first time. He doesn’t like it when we move his bed and he thinks running around at extreme speed will stop it from happening.
15 July 22 – Town Characters Hi Everyone, In the town where I grew up there were a lot of unusual characters, like this one. The man who tipped Lucozade down drains. This was in the days when Lucozade could only
8 July 22 – Neighbours Hi Everyone, I know everything about everyone in our neighbourhood. I’m not a curtain twitcher, I just get bored easily and exaggerate. I take Norman out about 10 every night to get rid of the