Posts per Month:
From 28 April 2023

And thanks to these amazing customers for sending in these photos

Our Diary
Here’s the key points from our week
Diane went to see Olly Murs (I know and she’s 53), so I was forced to drink a whole bottle of red wine to myself, having no one to share it with. And then the red wine and the heavy rock music I was listening to, persuaded me that a large vodka or two would be appropriate. May have air guitared at some point.
Gave up drinking again.
Woke up and remembered I’d been listening to Motorhead and drawn about 20 sketches of Lemmy as fast as I could look

Steven Bartlett from Dragon’s Den keeps going on about TikTok and how all businesses should be on it, so this was me trying to draw Lemmy in a minute while drunk. Didn’t go well.
Walked along the banks of Thirlmere with Norman and was offended by the rudeness of this sign.

There really is no need for that sort of language and grumpiness on a sign
Can you believe I went out drinking again after Friday. We have a Monday night club, which happens about twice a year. It’s some friends I used to work with, I go and drink and try and remember who the hell they’re talking about
‘You remember Fat Lump, don’t you?’
‘Oh yes, big guy in accountants.’
‘No, Fat Lump, he’s skinny as a rake, sits next to Beanpole who’s chair collapsed last week, the fat lump.’
I can never get the hang of the nicknames.
But I’m always grateful to them for The Psychic story they told me

Gave up drinking again
Took me mam into The Lakes for a coffee and scone, and look who we bumped into.

If you want to know more about me mam’s commitment to scones you need to read:

Had a walk down the Eden Valley and discovered Gandalf’s staff lying outside the Gates of Moria

After 30 years of marriage, when she saw this photo Diane said to me ‘You’re an absolute geek aren’t you?’
I’m glad that’s finally out in the open.
This thing bites, so be careful in Bassenthwaite Lake

Springsteen’s Lucky Town album was released in the same year me and Diane got married, so this is our song.
We said we’d walk together, baby, come what may
That come the twilight should we lose our way
If as we’re walking a hand should slip free
I’ll wait for you, should I fall behind wait for meSPRINGSTEEN
That’s it for now. Have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane

From 21 April 2023

Here’s the result of the relentless questioning from last week. the question being:
What do you want to see more of on this page?
T-Shirt Pencil Sketches | 8.7 |
Coloured Sketches | 7.1 |
Original Paintings | 6.2 |
Photos from Norman’s Walk | 8.0 |
Blog Posts | 8.5 |
Videos | 5.8 |
So it’s more T-shirt sketches, blog posts and photos from Norman’s Walk. Thanks for doing that.

Cricket season has started again, but one thing I won’t be doing is playing, here’s why.
The most boring batsman in the history of boredom

And thanks to these amazing customers for sending in these photos

Norman has insisted that I warn you of a terrifying thing that’s happening in our very streets. He saw this and had the same reaction that I would’ve had if Freddy Krueger and the Weeping Angels were racing down the street after me.


Our Diary
Thought I’d tell you about the key points in our week
Selflessly started drinking more Brewdog IPA because the more I drink the more trees they plant. I am an eco-warrior.
Saturday Morning
Clicked on ‘Proof: Aliens are among us’ on Facebook and now every other post in my feed confirms this. I am easily influenced, doesn’t Facebook know this?
Spent the afternoon in A & E.
My daughter wasn’t well and we called 111. That redirected us to a webpage that redirected us to an online form that told us to dial 999 which seemed excessive. I’ve only dialed 999 once and I won’t be doing it again because this happened

Anyway, we panicked a little with the 999 advice and took her to A&E. Four hours later she got some antibiotics and I got to sit next to a man who enjoyed clearing his throat and coughing phlegm up into a tissue. I’ll be back next week, no doubt.
Got a parking fine because RingGo doesn’t work deep in the valleys of The Lake District.
Me mam compared me to Elvis when I had 3 beers, a couple of Rennies and an antihistamine. I was too scared to sit on the toilet for a week after that.
My daughter kept playing Year 3000 by Busted. They go in a time machine to, yes, the Year 3000. Here’s the lyrics I have trouble with: ‘Not much has changed but they live underwater.”
Quite a change I think.
And is it necessary for them to tell me that they met my great, great granddaughter and she ‘is pretty fine.’ Keep your boy band hands off her.
Really wanted to buy this sign

So I could live at the same address as I did when I was five.:
My House, Wigton, Cumbria, The World, The Universe
I was listening to the Scorpions this week. I still love this song despite everything.
The world is closing in
And did you ever think
That we could be so close like brothers?
The future’s in the air, I can feel it everywhere
I’m blowing with the wind of changeKLAUS MEINE – WIND OF CHANGE -SCORPIONS
Klaus has now changed the first line of the song to:
‘Now listen to my heart / It says Ukraine,
Waiting for the wind to change.’
That’s it for now. Have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane

From14 April 2023
Here’s what we did from the suggestions list this week

Had to go to the dentist again for another wisdom tooth out, last time I wrote about how much fun that was
The Dentists

Never be this disappointed

And thanks to these amazing customers for sending in these photos

Tuesday night was the windy night in Cumbria. We had one plastic bottle running up and down our street all night shouting ‘Wooo, windy isn’t it?’ in its plasticy, rattly voice. But I’m glad this bin party wasn’t outside ours.

Not sure about you, but getting battered by big kids in the 1970s was just one of life’s little irritations.

I climbed up Skiddaw during the week to get you this panoramic photo of Keswick, Derwent Water and the majesty of the Borrowdale Valley.

Next time I’ll stop at home take a photo of the wall and say it’s Mount Blanc.
That’s it for now. Have a great week. Come back soon.
Ian and Diane

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