Here are the most ‘Liked’ Norman’s Walk posts on Facebook for 2024. The number of likes for each post is in brackets. Here we go (in dramatic reverse order.) 10. Norman thinks he’s Kate Winslet (169) 9. Look who I
Top Ten Posts on Facebook 2024

Here are the most ‘Liked’ Norman’s Walk posts on Facebook for 2024. The number of likes for each post is in brackets. Here we go (in dramatic reverse order.) 10. Norman thinks he’s Kate Winslet (169) 9. Look who I
Chapter 1- The Neighbours Norman thinks licking my face while I bend down to tie my laces will speed things up, and he’s right. I grab his lead, wipe the saliva out of my eyeball and we’re off out the
Firstly, I have to make a big apology to our other dog, Lizzi, she’s sad because she’s just not as much fun as Norman. Which is why we left her at home. August’s walk was too important for small dogs
We had to rush out early this morning, because Norman was invited to the unveiling of a new plaque just by the river on the new path into town. As the plaque was being unveiled, we heard some booing in
As we set off on our walk, a new neighbour, who’d moved in down the road, had painted a sign on his wall and Norman was raging about his rights being restricted in such an oppressive way. The guy who moved
We’ve had a few adventures this month. Firstly, as we set off on our walk, just round the corner, this opened up in front of us. I haven’t seen one before, but is this a sinkhole? Norman can always tell
Norman in Town There were a couple of serious incidents this week in town involving Norman. That sketch is not 100% accurate, we don’t live in Tokyo and Norman isn’t Godzilla. The first incident was when I was passing the
Norman has a lot to get through in a day, so much so I found his to do list by the side of his bed this morning. (My explanatory notes are in brackets). This may well be an infringement of
Here’s what me and Norman have been up to in February.
Here’s what me and Norman have been up to in January.
Shouty People Can you believe complete strangers like to shout at me? Let me tell you about it. Shout 1 I was walking down a secluded forest path in the middle of The Lake District, just like this one: Then
Not sure you remember, but we have another dog, Lizzi. Here she is:Diane says I haven’t mentioned her much since we got Norman, and it’s true. The reason is this:Walking isn’t usually her favourite thing to do. That’s a quick
There’s a street in our town that’s under siege. Here’s what you see when you turn the corner. And as you walk down the street, the signs quickly get more weird. I’m going to do what they do online to keep you reading… …because you won’t
This week I met a very intense man in the park with his dog. His dog was sitting in front of him looking at him as if he was a god. To get the look accurate in your mind, it’s the
It’s a big week coming up. Norman is 2 years old on 30th April. I know, he doesn’t look a day over 1. But it’s an important birthday because all the dog websites say a labrador should be mentally mature
Reminder: I went walking with Norman and I introduced you to a few neighbours, The Medic, Sid the tree and scared a teenager, then The Blank-Faced Man appeared out of the gloom and said something was my fault. The Blank-Faced
Reminder: I went walking with Norman and I introduced you to a few neighbours, The Medic, Sid the tree and scared a teenager, then The Blank-Faced Man appeared out of the gloom and said something was my fault. The Blank-Faced
Norman’s Walk – Feb 2023 I thought I’d give you a break from Norman’s Walk (the story), so I could tell you about Norman’s Walk (the reality). Here’s what we’ve been doing this month. Firstly, there’s been another statue unveiled
Norman’s Walk – Chapter 3 If you’ve never been attacked by a man with a blank face pulling a trolley full of rotten fruit, then let me tell you this: I hurry along the full length of the rugby pitch
Chapter 1 Reminder: I went walking with Norman and I introduced you to a few neighbours, The Medic, Sid the tree and scared a teenager, then The Blank-Faced Man appeared out of the gloom. Norman’s Walk – Chapter 2 This
Norman’s Walk – Chapter 1 I’ve had a lot of people say I should write a book about Norman’s Walks. I wasn’t sure what anyone really wanted or meant by that, but as usual, I decided to be undeterred by
Norman’s Walk – Jan 2023 A busy January walking around with Norman. It started off with a shocking discovery. On the path just down from our house, Norman found Mick Hucknall’s hair. I know, an amazing find, and not often
Norman’s Walk – Dec 2022 Happy New Year to everyone. I had a word with Martin Lewis for you, and look Phew. While walking with Norman in December, I discovered that global warming has finally come to Cumbria. Look what
Norman’s Walk – Nov 2022 November’s been another fun month walking with Norman. Not sure you know, but he’s been doing great things and he’s got his own statue in the park now. It’s a bit much I know, but
11 Nov 22- Dog Walking Friends I thought I’d give you an update on all the friends I’ve made during my last year of dog walking. When I say friends I really mean people I bump into and occasionally try
Norman’s Walk – Oct 2022 It’s been another busy month walking with Norman. I’ve learnt a lot. For starters, I didn’t realise that one of our neighbours works at Jurassic Park. And when I saw this in the local woods
Norman’s Walks – Sept 2022 This month I decided to take a few photos/videos when out walking with Norman, because quite often he’s daft. And then I started noticing other stuff, which I thought you might like, so I posted
23 Sept 22 -Norfolk 2 Have you ever said (when not drunk), ‘Can you pass the salt, it’s next the pepper?’ No, neither have I until I went to this place in Norfolk. After that I couldn’t stop. ‘Sweetie, are
16 Sept 22 – Norfolk We went to Norfolk on holiday last week, stayed in Holt, it was brill. Here’s a sketch I did when I was there. Here’s another scene. Can I say, it’s incredibly un-undulating. As a Cumbrian
5 Aug 22 – What your dog is trying to tell you Bought this at the supermarket, so I can communicate better with Norman. So I’ve read it and me and Norman are getting on great, communicating effectively late into
22 July 22 – The Kennels This week we put Norman in the kennels for the first time. He doesn’t like it when we move his bed and he thinks running around at extreme speed will stop it from happening.
17 June 22 – Norman and the Creme Egg Hi Everyone, I had another Norman related incident this week.I was walking through town, with Norman obviously (because we’re bffs), minding my own business, probably daydreaming about what I was going
22 April 22 – Dog Walking Hi Everyone, I’ve made some new friends these last few months, all because of Norman’s bowels. Norman is regular, so at 8.30 every day, he whines like a baby and we head off out
Dogs Behaving Badly Since we got Norman, for some reason we’ve started watching Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly. I don’t know why we watch it because, as you know from previous emails, Norman is an exceptional highly trained individual. But two
4 March 22 – Norman’s Questionable Behaviours Hi Everyone I have a Norman update this week and a precautionary tale for anyone thinking about getting a puppy when they see cute photos on the internet. He doesn’t look like that
2 July 21 – New Puppy Hi Everyone, Hope you’re having another great week This week, if you emailed me, I may have replied at strange times of the day and it may not have made sense. That’s because I
30 April 21 – Stopping Traffic Hi Everyone, Hope you’re having another great week.I’ve talked about my dog, Lizzi, a few times on this email, but this I considered to be a new low. Don’t read on if you’re squeamish. But,
29 Jan 21 – Lizzi Hi Everyone, Another week over with. I know everyone’s struggling with lockdown, but no one more so than our dog. This is a quick sketch of her outside our house just setting off on our usual walk